Owing taxes to the Government can be extremely stressful. Some Canadians even go so far as choosing not to file their taxes, so the government does not know there is a tax debt owing.
Rosen & Associates Tax Law is here to help!
First and foremost, we may be able to lower your tax debt. Have you been hit with penalties, interest, and then interest on top of the penalties? You are not alone. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) charges penalties, and a high rate of interest which works to keep everyday Canadians in debt.
If tax debt feels like a vicious cycle to you, call us today for a free consultation.
There are different types of tax debt. You may be indebted to the Government for personal income taxes, corporate taxes, GST/HST, and/or payroll. The CRA is much more aggressive when collecting GST/HST and payroll because this money is considered to be “trust funds”. What this means is that you are holding the money in trust for the Federal Government. That is why they are much less likely to allow payment plans when collecting “trust funds”.
Rosen & Associates Tax Law has the experience, and the expertise to assist individual taxpayers, and businesses who are in debt to the CRA. We work with you to put together a plan that works for you, your business, and your family. Too often CRA collections officers force taxpayers to re-pay their debts at an unsustainable rate. You have rights, and here at Rosen & Associates Tax Law, our goal is to ensure that you pay what you can afford, while we work to lower your debt!
CRA collections officers have one goal. They want your file off of their desk. They do not care if they bankrupt you because that means the file is out of their inventory. They can and will say anything to you to further their goal. Do not let CRA intimidate you, know your rights by calling to speak with one of our lawyers at no cost!
The Canada Revenue Agency is unlike any other creditor. They have the power to garnish your wages, put a lien on your property, and to seize your bank accounts or property. They call this taking legal action. CRA collections officers can be overly aggressive in using these powers. That is why you need someone who can fight for you. That is why you need Rosen & Associates Tax Law on your side.
If the CRA has taken legal action against you, we can help. Canada Revenue Agency collections officers are professionals at taking as much money as possible from you, as fast as possible. They often give no regard to your personal or financial situations. If you have a tax debt, you need a professional on your side working to further your interests. Do not let the CRA walk all over you. Call us today to see how the team at Rosen & Associates Tax Law can help you.
Bankruptcy is not the only option. There are a number of ways to reduce the amount you owe, while paying something back to CRA. We evaluate your needs and come up with a plan that works for you, your family and/or your business. Tax debt may feel insurmountable, and you may feel like there is no point in working because CRA will just take 30%, 50%, or even 100% of your earnings. However, Rosen & Associates Tax Law has helped countless Canadians get out of tax debt. The first step is just picking up the phone to see what we can do for you.
We become your authorized representative so that you never have to speak with CRA again. We focus on lowering your tax debt, and coming up with a fair and reasonable repayment plan, while letting you do what you do best.
Give us a call. Know your rights.
Know Your Rights – Contact Us Today For a Free No Obligation Consultation