by Jason Rosen
Foreign Tax Credits: Guide for Canadian Taxpayers
For Canadians earning income abroad or paying taxes to foreign governments, the foreign tax credit is a valuable tool to prevent double taxation. With...
by Jason Rosen
An Update to the Non-Resident Speculation Tax
We previously wrote about the Non-Resident Speculation Tax (NRST), explaining what it is, what it is applied to, and any refunds or rebates that may b...
by James Pendergast
The Tax Court of Canada – What is a Notice of Appeal?
When a Taxpayer files their income tax return, the Canada Revenue Agency (the “CRA”) review the returns and issues a Notice of Assessment. The CRA...
by Jason Rosen
The Tax Court of Canada – How to Start the Process
What is a Notice of Appeal? A Notice of Appeal is a document that is filed with the Tax Court of Canada (or whatever court the taxpayer is appealing t...
by Tyra Yah
The Home Buyers’ Plan and the CRA
The Home Buyers’ Plan (“HBP”) is a program that allows qualified first-time home buyers (the definition for which can be found below) to withdra...
by Jason Rosen
Canada’s Emergency Rent Subsidy
The Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (“CERS”) was introduced on November 19th, 2020. The CERS subsidizes commercial real estate expenses incurred by ...
by James Pendergast
The New Canada Recovery Hiring Program
The Federal Government recently announced a new program to assist businesses that have been impacted financially by the Covid-19 pandemic. The Canada ...
by James Pendergast
How to Apply for the Disability Tax Credit Certificate
We previously explained what the Disability Tax Credit was in our blog post found here. This blog post will explore how to apply for the credit. ...
by Jason Rosen
Implied Undertakings in the Tax Court of Canada
An undertaking is a legally binding promise to do or provide something, or to refrain from doing something or providing something. Undertakings can ex...
by Jason Rosen