Edge Highshare Updates and Recent Correspondence
This blog will provide those who purchased a Franchise in any year with an update in respect of our ongoing Edge related dispute with the CRA. If you require an overview of the Edge program dispute in general please review our previous Edge Highshare Blog.
Below, please find a summary for the stage of the dispute resolution process that each franchise year is currently in, along with what will be happening in the near future.
2012 Franchisees
Some Franchisees, who invested in this year, are already in Tax Court. However, others are a few months into the appeals process but have elected to hold their position in order to join the 2013 Franchisees, which consists of a much larger group and allows us to split fees amongst more people.
If you are in the appeals process and looking to join our group for tax court, please contact Rosen & Associates Tax Law.
2013 Franchisees
If you are a 2013 Franchisee, the CRA’s review of your previously submitted objection representations will take a significant amount of time.
It is our understanding that the completion of this dispute could take years to complete at the CRA appeals division (similar to the 4-5 years consumed by Audit). As well, the CRA has advised that they have not yet designated a team of appeal officers to focus on the Edge/Highshare matter.
As such it is our recommendation that franchisees in this predicament proceed straight to Tax Court.
2014 Franchisees
The CRA’s audit of the 2014 Franchisees has been completed for all of our clients. They have received final letters which outline the adjustments that the audit division made to their previous returns. After the CRA issues a final audit letter, a notice of reassessment for each taxation year will be issued creating the alleged tax liability, some of our clients have already received these reassessments.
Once these reassessments are issued, we can proceed to either:
(a) file a Notice of Objection and remain in the queue at CRA; or
(b) file a Notice Objection to start the 91-day clock allowing us to by-pass the anticipated delay inherent with the CRA appeals process and proceed to defend our position in the Tax Court.
As with the 2013 Franchisees, it is our recommendation that franchisees at this junction bypass CRA appeals and proceed to Tax Court. Furthermore, the CRA has not provided personalized audit responses but rather grouped their position into one final letter applicable to all of our clients. This blatant disregard for the taxpayer’s rights solidifies our recommendation of disputing these matters in Tax Court.
2015 Franchisees
The audit of 2015 Franchisees has begun. Many of our clients have received proposal letters already. This outlines the adjustments that the CRA is intending to make along with a brief explanation of their ill-founded reasons.
The deadline to respond to the proposal letters is usually 30 days from when they are issued. However, we have a working relationship with the designated team and they have afforded us the opportunity to negotiate extensions. If you have received an audit proposal letter from the CRA for your 2015 Franchise do not hesitate contact Rosen & Associates Tax Law for assistance.
Moving forward, we anticipate the CRA will not issue a final audit position for several months. This is because, following the final audit letter being issued, it will likely take them several weeks to process the results and issue a Notice of Reassessment.
If you have bought into the Edge/Highshare franchise agreements, and are being audited by the CRA, contact our office today. Call us today for more information about this potential action and about how we can help.
This article provides information of a general nature only. It does not provide legal advice nor can it or should it be relied upon. All tax situations are specific to their facts and will differ from the situations in the articles. If you have specific legal questions you should consult a lawyer.